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In the office of the Local Community Banatski Brestovac was held the first educational training, in cooperation of the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade and the institute “Tamis” from Pancevo. Vladana Hamovic, PhD, the project coordinator and collaborator on the project, Mileta Stankovic, acting manager of the institute “Tamis” were spoken to the people who attended from the target group of local agricultural households, while the researchers from the IAE – participants on the project, M.A. Predrag Vukovic and M.A. Velibor Potrebic were also present.

Пројекат EU.Water - Одржан први едукациони тренинг у Банатском Брестовцу Пројекат EU.Water - Одржан први едукациони тренинг у Банатском Брестовцу

Within the Tech Food project – „Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and innovations of food sector in regions of South-East Europe“, the Institute of Agricultural Economics was organized a presentation of Study I, on 25th November 2010, in Serbian Press Association in Belgrade, Knez Mihailova 6 Street.

Teck Food пројекат - Презентација Студије I Teck Food пројекат - Презентација Студије I

Aiming to conduct the project Tech Food – „Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and innovations of food sector in Southeast Europe regions“, organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics, on 28th October 2010, in Belgrade, in International Press Centre were held: focus group and technical working group of local stakeholders, and working group of consumers from meat-processing industry of Serbia. There were present 10 representatives of this industry, then the representatives of Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Mining Industry and Energetics of Republic of Serbia and Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Cooperative Association and Association of Agricultural-food Producers.

Tech Food – Фокус радна група, Техничка радна група и радна група са потрошачима Tech Food – Фокус радна група, Техничка радна група и радна група са потрошачима

Delegation of the IAE, Belgrade as part of their regular activities on the project "EU.WATER - Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for the EUropean WATER emergency control" in the period between 19 - 21 October 2010 participed at the 3rd Scientific and Technical Partnership Forum - Steering Committe meeting" in Budapest, Hungary. In delegation from Serbia were Prof Drago Cvijanovic Ph.D, Director of IAE, Predrag Vukovic, MA. Research associate and Mile Stankovic, Director of the Institute "TAMIS", GIS expert. During the two-day work participants at the meeting discussed about the following topics and activities related to work on the project:

EU.WATER – Транснационални EU.WATER – Транснационални

Vadana Hamovic PhD - project coordinator and assistant director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Bojana Bekic - assistant coordinator and researcher associate, Jovanka Ninkovic - external expert at the Project and Velibor Potrebic - researcher associate, as representatives of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, which is IPA partner at the Project TECH.FOOD, participated at the project meeting held in Bucharest 27nd and 28th of Aprile. The Meeting was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania and Buharest Academy of Economic Studies.

Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија

On 26th April 2010 in the premises of the Institute “Tamiš”, Pančevo, held a press conference by the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade as a project manager for the EU.WATER project (Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for the emergency control of the European water) for the Republic of Serbia and Institute “Tamiš” as the host of the conference.

Транснационални интегрисани менаџмент воденим ресурсима   у пољопривреди за потребе хитне контроле Европских вода

In Belgrade in hotel „Palas“ between 22nd to 23rd April 2010, held an International scientific conference entitled „2nd Scientific and Technical Partnership Forum“ as part of regular project activities on the project „"EU.WATER - Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for the emergency control of European waters“. The meeting was organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade, and in the framework of international cooperation between countries of  Southeast Europe.

EU.WATER - Транснационални интегрисани менаџмент воденим   ресурсима у пољопривреди за потребе хитне контроле Европских вода u-water_2

At the University of Ferrara in the City of Ferrara was held 23rd March 2010, “GIS training meeting”; for participants of EU.WATER project to get knoweladge with the GIS methodology that was presented at the meeting Thessaloniki  between 12-13 November 2009 in the regular activities of the EUWATER project

ГИС тренинг семинар у Ферари
At the meeting were representatives from:
  • Province of Ferrara, Italy – Lead Partner
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Romania
  • Agency for Rural Development of Istra Ltd. Pazin, Croatia
  • Institute of Agricultural Economics, Serbia
  • The delegation of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade at the meeting represent Predrag Vuković, Velibor Potrebić and Mile Stanković from the Institute „TAMIŠ“ with who IAE have cooperation at current activities at the project.

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