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TECH.FOOD Project Meeting - Bucharest, Romania

Vadana Hamovic PhD - project coordinator and assistant director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Bojana Bekic - assistant coordinator and researcher associate, Jovanka Ninkovic - external expert at the Project and Velibor Potrebic - researcher associate, as representatives of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, which is IPA partner at the Project TECH.FOOD, participated at the project meeting held in Bucharest 27nd and 28th of Aprile. The Meeting was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania and Buharest Academy of Economic Studies.

Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија

 Main theme was creation of regional profiles, in sector of agro-food industry, based on data collected by each institution/country involved in the Project, and based on regional profiles, creation of common SEE profile. During the meeting, it is underlined that the main problem in collecting of data was insufficient cooperation with SMEs, which are one of main stakeholders of the Project. From that reason, it is decided to extend the deadline for providing necessary data for the end of May. Common SEE Profile represents basis for all future activities related to the Project. It is discussed about model of future transnational TT network and organisation of local focul groups with enterprises.

Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија Састанак TECH.FOOD  пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија Састанак TECH.FOOD пројекта одржан у Букурешту, Румунија  

Also, it is confirmed that leaflet, logo and website of the Project is done by the Greek partner responsible for creation of project’s promotion material.  
The next meeting of all PP is planned for September 2010 in Athens, Greece.


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