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Research team of the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade at the project TECH.FOOD, attended the Final Conference on 23rd February 2012, which was organized by the Hungarian Project partner – Corvinus University in Budapest. At the Conference in Hotel Gellert in Budapest, there was large number of participants from sector of economy, science, education and public institutions from countries in the South East Europe Region.

Завршна конференција TECH.FOOD пројекта Завршна конференција TECH.FOOD пројекта Завршна конференција TECH.FOOD пројекта

Within the international project - Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions, on 9th February 2012 in Press centre of Association of Journalists of Serbia was held training for representatives of Serbian meat-processing industry.
To gathered audience Doc. dr. Dragan Vasilev presented a lecture under the title Production of autochthonous products in Serbia. Besides representatives of the meat-processing industry, training was attended also by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, some media, as well as project team of TECH.FOOD project, led by Prof. dr. Drago Cvijanović, director of the IAE Belgrade.

ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије  

Within the international project - Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions, on 7th February 2012 in Press centre of Association of Journalists of Serbia was held training for representatives of Serbian meat-processing industry.
To gathered audience Mr. Zoran Panjković was presented a lecture under the title Products with a geographical indication of origin. As in the focus of the training were traditional dry-meat sausages from Srem region, the lecture was accompanied by degustation of Kulen and sausages from mentioned area, produced by Milorad Živković from Kuzmin local community.

ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 7.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 7.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 7.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 7.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије

Research team  from  the  Institute of  Agricultural  Economics,  Belgrade, at  the  invitation of colleagues from the Agency   for Rural Development of Istria - AZRRI, attended the event under title  „Fostering innovation exchange in the agro food sector between Istria and Serbia", during  the  period 7-9 July  2011,  in  Porec,  Croatia. The  three-day event  was  organized within the  international  project  "Solutions and  interventions  for  the technological  transfer and  the innovation

Транснационална фокус група (ТФГ) – Подстицање размене иновација у прехрамбеном сектору између Истре и Србије, пројекат TECH.FOOD

On 29th of June 2011 starting from 12 PM in Panonija village, near Bačka Topola, in banquet halle of the Hotel Biser, was held one more event from a series of promotion events on the project TECH.FOOD - Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions, organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics - Belgrade.
TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај

On 22nd of June 2011, starting from 12 PM, in Martinci village - Mimoza Restaurant, was held a promotional event of the project TECH.FOOD - Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions, organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade.

TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај

During the period 16-17 June 2011, Coordination & Steering Committee meeting was organized in Vienna (venue of the meeting was Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management) by Austrian partner at the Project (AWI - Vienna). Mentioned event was attended by all partners from the Project consortium. The Institute of Agricultural Economics – Belgrade was presented by Ms. Bojana Bekic, Mr. Velibor Potrebic and Mr. Marko Jelocnik. 

Sastanak Upravnog odbora Projekta Beč Sastanak Upravnog odbora Projekta Beč Sastanak Upravnog odbora Projekta Beč

Research team of the Institute of agricultural economics Belgrade was organized, as part of their regular activities on the project Solutions and interventions for the technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East regions - TECH.FOOD, a Transnational Focus Group TFG, under the theme title Food safety in meat industry. Event was held at the 27th May, 2011, in the Hotel Palace in Belgrade, Serbia.

Transnacionalna fokus grupa (TFG) - Bezbednost hrane u industriji mesa, projekat TECH.FOOD Transnacionalna fokus grupa (TFG) - Bezbednost hrane u industriji mesa, projekat TECH.FOOD Transnacionalna fokus grupa (TFG) - Bezbednost hrane u industriji mesa, projekat TECH.FOOD

Within international project “Solutions and interventions for the technological transfer and the innovation of agro-food sector in South East regions” on 25 February 2011 in the Club of international press center in Belgrade there was a training for representatives of meat processing industry in Serbia. Besides them, other participants at the training were project Manager Prof. Drago Cvijanović PhD, external expert Jovanka Ninković as well as researchers engaged in the Project. The topics of this training were “Risk management in today's business environment - an innovative economy” and “Consulting as a form of learning and development model of managerial skills” and they were presented by researchers of the Institute of Agricultural Economics M.Sc. Radojica Sarić and M.A. Vesna Paraušić.

Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима Југоисточне Европе Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима Југоисточне Европе Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима Југоисточне Европе

The main objective of the training was to educate domestic producers, as much as possible, about the potential and benefits arising from the introduction of innovations into production and to introduce them with the possibility of establishing relationships with manufacturers from countries participating in the Project.

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