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The first training event of TECH.FOOD Project is held in the Club of International press center in Belgrade

In the scope of international project “Solutions and interventions for the technological transfer and the innovation of agro-food sector in South East regions” on 12.04.2010 in the Club of international press center in Belgrade there was a training for representatives of meat processing industry in Serbia.
Besides them, other participants at the training were project coordinator Prof. Drago Cvijanović PhD, project coordinator Vladana Hamović PhD, external experts Nada Kosanović PhD and Jovanka Ninković as well as researchers engaged in the Project. This training is the first one from totally six training events planned by the project activities.

тренинг у оквиру TECH.FOOD пројекта тренинг у оквиру TECH.FOOD пројекта тренинг у оквиру TECH.FOOD пројекта

The subject of the first training was “Concurrency of products of agro-food industry of Republic of Serbia” and “Creation of brand” which was presented by Nada Kosanović PhD. In constructive discussion between all participants at the training it is concluded that the main problems of this industry in Serbia are:

  • small agrarian budget
  • lack of long-term politics of Serbian agriculture and related to that lack of long-term strategy of sector of meat and meat-processing industry
  • constant decrease and weakening of the livestock fund
  • lack of clusters in meat-processing industry


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