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TECH.FOOD - Solutions and interventions for the technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions - Promotional event

On 22nd of June 2011, starting from 12 PM, in Martinci village - Mimoza Restaurant, was held a promotional event of the project TECH.FOOD - Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions, organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade.

TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај TECH.FOOD - Решења и интервенције за технолошки трансфер и иновације прехрамбеног сектора у регионима југоисточне Европе - Промотивни догађај

During the mentioned activity, to present participants was introduced abattoir "Kosanovic" from Martici, one of the most important entrepreneurs within the meat-processing sector of Serbia. Representative of management of abattoir "Kosanovic", Dr Nada Kosanovic, briefly presented the production potentials, product assortment, as well as short term developmental plans of mentioned company. Presentation was accompanied by degustation of the companies’ final products, where particular attention to present auditorium was attracted by the pig meat of autochthonous breed called Mangulica and dry sausage "Lukanika", holder of the label "Health Food - Green Apple", label assigned to the industrially produced food with high value of nutritional, health and hygienic characteristics.


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