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REPORT FROM TRAINING THAT WAS HELD WITHIN THE TECH.FOOD PROJECT, 9.02.2012, Press centre of Association of Journalists of Serbia

Within the international project - Solutions and interventions for technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in South East Europe regions, on 9th February 2012 in Press centre of Association of Journalists of Serbia was held training for representatives of Serbian meat-processing industry.
To gathered audience Doc. dr. Dragan Vasilev presented a lecture under the title Production of autochthonous products in Serbia. Besides representatives of the meat-processing industry, training was attended also by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, some media, as well as project team of TECH.FOOD project, led by Prof. dr. Drago Cvijanović, director of the IAE Belgrade.

ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ТРЕНИНГА ОДРЖАНОГ У ОКВИРУ ТЕЦХ.ФООД ПРОЈЕКТА, 9.02.2012, Пресс центар Удружења новинара Србије  

After presentation of Doc. dr. Vasilev, in constructive discussion it was concluded that the territory of Serbia has high quality authentic agro-food products. These products are unique and give possibility for greater recognition of the country. However, it is emphasized that there is a need to focus special attention to conditions in which products are being produced and manufactured, i.e. health-safety aspect of production, as well as necessity of creation and adoption of legislative which is going to set conditions for production of safe meat products, especialy for small producers.


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