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In organization of Committee for the village of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), on day 18th March 2015 at the premises of SASA was convened Round table named “Financial and informatical literacy of rural population in Serbia”, with goal to point out to the current state of financial and informatical literacy of rural population in Serbia and also on possibilities and proposals for lifting of knowledge level of inhabitants in villages of Serbia.

Academician Dragan Škoric, President of Committee for the village of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was opened round table, until introductory speakers with their lectures have made introduction for following discussion:

  1. Prof. Zorica Vasilјević, PhD (Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade), Prof. Danilo Tomić, PhD (Committee for the village), Prof. Jonel Subić, PhD (IAE): Problems of financing of agriculture and villages in Serbia
    2.     Gordana Rabrenović (NBS): The experiences of the NBS in education in the area of financial literacy of the population
    3.     PhD Snežana Janković (ISAA): Informatical literacy of rural population

After an introductory lecture was opened discussion in which are participated presented guests from scientific institutions, regional chambers and media, based on which are made following conclusions:

  • One of the basic long-term problems of agriculture and villages in Serbia is deficiency of financial sources for maintenance of basic and expanded production.
  • There is no lot of interested foreign funds for investment in primary agriculture and village.
  • Loans are granted selectively for specific users and at relatively unfavorable conditions.
  • State support to agriculture and villages in last 20 years is conducted through the instrument of the agricultural budget and through resources of development funds at the level of Republic of Serbia and Vojvodina.
  • As a country candidate for Membership in EU, Serbia can use resources from IPA funds.

In goal of better utilization of pour resources which are available for financing of agriculture and villages, from extremely importance is that village inhabitants and agricultural producers to be informed about basic categories related to the finance, loans, insurance (i.e. to be financially literate), as well to be computer literate. Connections with NBS, AETS and other state organs for agriculture and village at all levels will increase the level of professional development and reducing financial and informatical (il) literacy. FINANCIAL AND INFORMATICAL LITERACY OF RURAL POPULATION IN SERBIA

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