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57th International fair of technique and technical achievements (UFI), Belgrade Fair

On 57th International fair of technique and technical achievements (UFI), held from 13 – 17. May 2013th. year, the noticeable participation has achieved the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade. On International fair which is most important economical and technological event in Serbia and Southeast Europe, Institute of Agricultural Economics was presented two technical solutions, from area of inovations and new technologies, that are part of the results achieved in the project III - 46006 "Sustainable agriculture and rural development in function of achieving the strategic goals of the Republic of Serbia within the Danube region", funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia.

Међународни сајам технике и техничких достигнућа (UFI), Београдски Сајам Међународни сајам технике и техничких достигнућа (UFI), Београдски Сајам

Technical solutions that are presented:

1. The technical solution: "Spatial separation in organic crop production of many year crop of fennel", written by Vladan Ugrenović1 Vladimir Filipović2, Đorđe Glamočlija3, Miroslav Kostić2, Radoslav Jevđović2, Jonel Subić4; (1PSS Institute ˝Tamiš˝, Pančevo, Serbia; 2 Institute of Medicinal Plants Research "Dr Josif Pancic", Belgrade, Serbia; 3 Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade - Zemun, Serbia; 4Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia);

2. Realized patent - variety of national, regional and local level:

• A new variety of winter bread wheat Harmony (KG 166/3), by PhD Milivoje Milovanović, MA Vladimir Perisić, PhD Mirjana Staletić (Center for Small Grains doo, Kragujevac, Serbia);

A new variety of winter hard (durum) wheat KG Olympic (KG 112/5), by PhD Milivoje Milovanović, MA Vladimir Perisić, PhD Mirjana Staletić (Center for Small Grains doo, Kragujevac, Serbia);

A new cultivar of winter triticale KG Bingo (KG.TR. 36/4), written by PhD Milivoje Milovanović (Center for Small Grains doo, Kragujevac, Serbia).

Међународни сајам технике и техничких достигнућа (UFI), Београдски Сајам Међународни сајам технике и техничких достигнућа (UFI), Београдски Сајам Међународни сајам технике и техничких достигнућа (UFI), Београдски Сајам

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