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Scientific meetings

Problems and prospects of innovation development of world agriculture

Delegation from the Institute of agricultural economics Belgrade, consisting of Professor dr Drago Cvijanović, director of the Institute and Marko Jeločnik, researcher associate, together with associate member Professor dr Grigorije Trifunović, president of council of Faculty of agriculture Belgrade, was in short visit in Saratov, Russian Federation, during the period 17-19 May 2010.

Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској  пољопривреди Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској пољопривреди Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској пољопривреди

Presence on the International conference - Problems and prospects of innovation development of world agriculture, was accompanied by many conference activities, among which stand out: presentation of approved scientific works of colleagues from IAE, active participation in discussions with scientific auditorium from Russian Federation and abroad (Republic of Turkey and Republic of Kazakhstan), study visits to farms in near surrounding of Saratov city, etc.

Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској пољопривреди Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској пољопривреди

Before all, main cause of short visit of IAE delegation was found in establishing of, with the sincere hope, strong cooperation with Saratov state agrarian university - N.I. Vavilov. On that occasion was signed an Agreement of scientific and technical cooperation with management of the University in next five year period. With signed document Institute has got significant scientific and research partner from the territory of Russian Federation. General expectations of established cooperation are leading into the directions of exchange of actual information, scientific literature and employed staff, joint organization of scientific conferences, as well as common appearance in next cycles of European projects.

Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској  пољопривреди saratov_6 saratov_8 Проблеми и очекивања од развоја иновација у светској пољопривреди

Sincere and cordial acceptance of all University staff, before all, rector Professor dr Nikolay Kuznetcov, successfully done all planned conference activities and signed cooperation contract between IAE and University N.I. Vavilov from Saratov, could be used as excellent mark for realized visit to mentioned event.

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