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Scientific meetings

Quality of Life and Environment in the Frame of E.U. Sustainability

In period 15-17th November 2007 was held International conference in the form of round table, under the name „Quality of Life and Environment in the Frame of E.U. Sustainability“, organized by Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.). Co-organizers of this scientific meeting were: Carlsberg L.L.C. Serbia, Institute of Agricultural Economics – Belgrade, Rakovica Municipality and Ministry for Environment Protection of Republic of Serbia.

The conference has been held in amphitheatre of Rakovica Municipality in Belgrade. The book of abstracts, published by the Institute of Agricultural Economics and B.EN.A Association contain 107 scientific papers abstracts of eminent experts from 11 countries, participants in this conference (Greece, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania).

The conference gathered over 100 European and domestic experts and ecologists in the field of environment protection in the region. The goal was to acquire the experiences from other countries and, in this way, contribute to improvement of conscious about environment preservation significance in Serbia and in this part of Europe. The mission of Balkan Environmental Association is to establish activities for environment protection measurements and abet the public to be more aware of need and significance of environment sustainability, along with synchronous contribution to social community. The activities of B.EN.A represent a bound between Balkan and European Union countries, with respect to creation of scientific network of experts, economists and specialists, which can mutually abet concrete actions and share responsibility for achieving goals of sustainable development. At the same time, the activities relate to development of strategies and possibilities of international cooperation stimulation, with a view to decrease environment pollution and preserve natural resources in the region.


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